This is a full-stack web development project for Barangay Election 2023. This was developed using HTML, CSS (BootStrap), JS, PHP, & MySQL. I also used TCPDF to print the results of the votes. - itzzmerov/online-voting-system
Updated Jun 12, 2022 Java itzzmerov / online-voting-system Star 12 Code Issues Pull requests This is a full-stack web development project for Barangay Election 2023. This was developed using HTML, CSS (BootStrap), JS, PHP, & MySQL. I also used TCPDF to print the results of the ...
OnlineVotingSystem.zipωǒ**nǐ 上传4.93 MB 文件格式 zip css html java javascript jsp mvc servlets webapp Web, MVC based, JavaSE, JavaEE, JSPs, Servlets, Html, CSS, JavaScript 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 Appleid ...
Every meeting includes optional icebreakers, anonymous voting/reflections, and space for asynchronous discussions. After a meeting ends, Parabol follows-up with an automatic summary, which means team members can remain fully present at the meeting without taking notes. The tool integrates with Jira, ...
Featuresinclude real-time voting and timer features that allow teams to prioritize ideas and stay on track during brainstorming sessions. Its 'Digital Sticky Notes' tool supports infinite flexibility for organizing thoughts, while the 'Mind Mapping' function encourages free-form ideation with structured...
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Event Management System Project in PHP with Source Code Free school management software Employee Management System using PHP and MySQL Online Voting System using PHP Free Source Code Doctor's Appointment System using PHP Free Source Code User account menu Log in Book navigation SQL Tutorial PHP Tut...
DisplayName (VotingOptionDataType) DisplayNameFirstLast DisplayNameFirstLastHeader DisplayNameFirstLastSortKey DisplayNameLastFirst DisplayNameLastFirstHeader DisplayNameLastFirstSortKey DisplayNamePrefix DisplayNamePrefixes DisplayNames DisplayTo DistinguishedFolderId DistinguishedFolderId (DistinguishedFolderIdNameType...
My project was a social news/link voting site similar to the concept behind Reddit or Digg. The interesting part was the algorithms that controlled the ranking. The algorithms were designed as plugins that could be loaded or unloaded at run time and different weight could be assigned to each ...
some have focused on the expertise and incentives that small states might have to keep the global system together. For example, it has been argued “small states can create effective (if restricted) multilateral groupings that are either plurilateral or minilateral, but that can seamlessly transiti...