Too easy for you? The next typing test is extremely challenging and uses numbers and symbols extensively. Just getting through this test is an accomplishment. Score above 40 WPM and you are truly a typing master! Howfastcanyoutype?Typing@>40WPM(normaltext)isconsideredfast,but"pros"oftenexceed...
now typing:Introduction -p0 - S start teststoptesttoggle spaces1 top 3 scores: [jamjam 114 -Feb 20, 2025] [jamjam 113 -Feb 20, 2025] [CYBEAR 112 -Feb 07, 2025] today top score: [jamjam 114 -Feb 20, 2025] The Best in the Past ...
a typing test? There are many reasons why you might want to take a typing speed test. Perhaps you’re curious to find out how fast you can type, or maybe you want to see if you need to improve your accuracy. Either way, a typing speed test is a great way to estimate your progress...
You can share your score to your friends or include your score in a forum through Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus or. Afterwards, your friends will challenge you and seek to beat your score. If you want to play against others, check out our Typing Contests....
How to Calculate Typing Test Score ? Typing test scoring calculation uses a math's formula. It includes all words you have typed, time taken in typing, errors you have made to calculate typing speed and accuracy level. You can checktyping speed calculation formulahere. ...
Our online based tools will allow you to create custom tests, select applicants to complete the assessments, and view your applicant's score report instantly! For more information on each online typing tests follow the links at the top of the page, or click on each assessment type below. ...
What is a decent score on a 10 key Typing test? Around 98% A decent precision score is around 98% or higher. Assuming you at any point hear the term ’10 key by contact’, this simply implies that you can type without taking a gander at the keys, this is significant since in such...
Speed (WPM) 0 Fastest Time - Mode: A-Z (Normal) Filter High Scores: All Your Scores #SecondsTypeTime Ago Recent High Score Board #NameSecondsTypeTime Ago Start Game Click on the text box with the orange border; the timer starts as soon as you begin typing!
08. Along with typing score in terms of speed and accuracy a complete analysis of your Hindi typing skill will be displayed on screen like - How many words and characters you have typed, details of various typed of errors you have made during test. So you can analyze what are the ...
Typing test rules: If you don’t fix the mistakes, a punishment will be added to your last WPM score. To fix the mistakes, press the delete key. The clock begins when you begin typing. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you stand by over 3 seconds, the clock begins in ...