ADVERSE childhood experiencesVIRTUAL communitiesCOMPULSIVE behaviorCOMPUTER sexTHERAPEUTICSPSYCHOLOGICAL abuseDespite the widespread use of online sexual material in the general population, the overlap of deviant use of online sexual material (child sexual abusive material) with other types of online sex and ...
and they were three times more likely to report anxiety disorders than men [34]. Bendixen et al. found that nonphysical peer sexual harassment had an evident adverse effect on the subject’s well-being for both genders but affected women’s depressive symptoms more in both of the conducted ...
adverse childhood experienceschild abuse and neglectchild maltreatmentcommunity violencehousehold challengesparental separation or divorcepovertysexual abusestressful life eventtraumaEncyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Developmendoi:10.1002/9781119171492.wecad221Jacinthe Dion...
Adverse childhood experiences, smoking and mental illness in adult- hood: a preliminary study. Ann Clin Psychiatry. 2007;19(2):89-97.Sacco KA,George TP,Head CA, et al.Adverse childhood experiences, smoking and mental illness in adulthood: a preliminary study.Annals of Clinical Psychiatry. 2007...
No adverse experiences were reported by participants as a result of survey or focus group participation. 2.2. Measures 2.2.1. Offline contact CSA and neglect Offline contact CSA and neglect were both measured using adolescent report on the Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire (JVQ) (Finkelhor et ...
like drinking heavily or using drugs as adults. This became known as the "ACE Study," short for "adverse childhood experiences." Scientists have since linked more than a dozen forms of ACEs - including homelessness, discrimination, and physical, mental, and sexual abuse - with a higher risk...
like drinking heavily or using drugs as adults. This became known as the "ACE Study," short for "adverse childhood experiences." Scientists have since linked more than a dozen forms of ACEs - including homelessness, discrimination, and physical, mental, and sexual abuse - with a higher risk...
Karin NijhofView further author informationArne PopmaView further author informationRoy OttenView further author informationCarolien KonijnView further author informationLaurien HakvoortView further author informationMaartje van de ReeView further author informationtabrahams@pluryn.nlTom Abrahams...
They have unique experiences, such as exclusive access to private events or behind-the-scenes experiences. They can just as easily purchase music NFTs to support their work, but they get so much more out of it. Furthermore, it enables musicians to engage in more creative collaborations. ...
Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire AQoL-8D: Assessment of Quality of Life ASKU: General Self-efficacy Short Scale (Allgemeine Selbstwirksamkeit Kurzskala) AUDIT-C: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Concise DUDIT: Drug Use Disorder Identification Test CBT: Cognitive behavioral thera...