Hi Gabriel, wait for 45 days or more to pass and for your enrollment to be cancelled by the BDO system. Then enroll again and select "outside the Phils". Or it might be better to enroll (within the Phils) a week or 2 weeks before your vacation so you can activate your enrollment a...
In Port Antonio we visited my high school alma mater at Titchfield, still sitting there (as a powerful symbol of the privileged system of education that existed before the progressive reforms of the Manley era) at the end of the little peninsula overlooking Navy Island and in the historic set...
Claudette Crawford-Brown, Clinical Social Worker at the University of the West Indies, Mona, wants educators at all levels of the education system to be trained to recognise signs of sexual abuse. Dr. Crawford-Brown said, while the culture of silence on incest is not unique to Jamaica,...
Stand Together, Heal Together, Grow Together: Examining the UWI Mona-Haiti Scholarship InitiativeIntroductionDespite the inspiRAtionAL stARt to the histoRy oF the Republic of Haiti, since the...doi:10.1080/00086495.2016.1157247Anderson, ShereeKirton, Claremont...
Stephen K. DonovanDepartment of Geology, Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Darwinweg 2, Postbus 9517, NL-2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands Donovan@naturalis.nl;Disaster Risk Reduction Centre, University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica trevor.jackson@uwimona.edu.jm;Trevor A. Jackson...