The objective of this research was to study the experiences of students studying a first year blended Applied Mathematics module online in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET) at Unisa. We conducted a non-experimental case study on first-year students who had studied this ...
Also, in the same period, 758,855 international students were studying onshore at UK institutions which was the highest that year. Read More Australia’s Student Visa System Strengthened with MD 111 Changes Australia has introduced significant changes to its student visa system with the new ...
The discrepancies scores of the parent’s and the child’s reports provide a better resolve regarding parent-child approach in studying parental mediation in the digital age. The drawback of this approach is that, the directionality of the discrepancies in the reports of the parent and the ...
At the University of South Australia, using UniSA LMS and course dashboard analytics, the OnTask platform increased student engagement with the course and their studies. Similarly, at UNSW, with Moodle LMS, TMGrouper, MHCampus, and custom learning analytics reporting/dashboard, OnTask enhanced ...
This paper draws on interviews with international distance education students in Namibia and Zimbabwe studying at the University of South Africa (UNISA) to explore the spatio-temporal underpinnings to why students choose to remain at home while studying abroad and how this is arranged. It outlines ...
Even after the “interview”, Robertson was still reluctant to take the post but Charlotte Searle, who was then head of nursing at UNISA and a rather larger-than-life, powerful figure in the South African nursing arena convinced her to take the post. Searle’s justification, as Robertson ...
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-LearningTladi, L. S. (2013). Factors Affecting Examination At- trition: Does Academic Support Help? A Survey of ACN203S (Cost Accounting and Control) Students at Unisa[J]. The Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 28(1):67-82....
In the second phase, I conducted an experimental work at the Zoo di Pistoia with the purpose of studying the adaptation of one female and two male lion at the new exhibit. In October and November 2004, the animals have been observed for a total of 125 hours; During observations, I ...
The paper draws on research with Zimbabwean, Nigerian and Namibian international distance education students who study at the University of South Africa (UNISA) to construct a conceptual architecture of different forms of place and non-place. It ends by setting out a new perspective and research ...
The author of the present study is of the view that and distance education providers such as Unisa can tap into the support structures of the stakeholders to address the gaps in the system to enable students to have enduring distance education experience. The study uses document analysis and ...