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FF14: Dawntrail DLC (US) (MOG) 990,000VND Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds (Expansion 5) 710,000VND Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure (DLC) 700,000VND Diablo 4 (Global/USA) 1,300,000VND World of Warcraft (US): Dragonflight (Base) ...
SWTOR, GW2 and FF14 are smooth and responsive in comparison. My Pc is semi beastly too not that it should make much difference for this game. try to pvp in swtor with mor than 20 people in one place - come back and tell us again how smooth swtor is compared to ESO :P spelling ...
All FF14 Dawntrail New Mounts And How To Get Them Now that Final Fantasy 14’s newest, and highly anticipated, expansion Dawntrail has had its time to make waves, it’s time to start exploring the f Anakin is Denied The Rank of Jedi Master | Star Wars Revenge of the Sith (2005) Mo...
Syosyo FF14 数值开始卡了 帐户内拥有 288 项产品 12 篇评测 推荐 总时数 837.1 小时 (评测时 270.4 小时) 发布于:2017 年 10 月 13 日 因为最近欧服很热闹导致很多萌新像为华人出力。如果作为纯萌新来说,英语要求太高,而且EVE比想象中的还要难上手(主要是跟主流游戏完全不同的系统让人很难适应),不...