How to view STL files online? It’s simple - drag and drop it into the designated area to upload. Once the upload is complete, your STL file will be available for viewing in the STL viewer. From there, you can effortlesslynavigate,scroll,zoom,print, and evendownloadthe drawings in PDF ...
View 3D STL files directly in your browser - no software installation is required; Supports STL, OBJ, 3MF, VF, VSB, VSJ formats
您可以經由瀏覽器直接檢視3D STL檔案 - 不需要再安裝任何軟件. 為顧及個人隱私,本程式完全不上傳任何資訊到伺服主機 - 所有的運算都是在您的電腦終端執行. Embed in your own website You can now easily display 3D files directly in your own website - just follow the two steps below. ...
3D Viewer online is a platform where you can view an STL file on your browser without any hassle. You can … Read more 3D Viewer STL viewer9 February 2023 How to view a STL file with 3DVieweronline STL (Stereolithography) is a file format widely used in 3D printing, rapid prototyping...
Log in (or create a free account) and upload the STL file you want to visualize Open the uploaded file (3DVieweronline doesn’t require any software, it runs directly on your browser) Perform all the actions that you would normally do to inspect the 3D model such as rotate, zoom in/ou...
Take measurements, cut sections, compare revisions, analyze CAD parts and assemblies, create reports for collaboration, and export to STEP, 3DPDF, STL, and many more formats. Glovius comes with a free 2D viewer to view DWG, DXF, and CATDrawing files. Glovius is available on Windows, iOS, ...
3D File Formats Supported CATIA (CATPart, CATProduct, CGR) NX (PRT) Creo and Pro/ENGINEER (PRT and ASM) SolidWorks (SLDPRT, SLDASM) Inventor (IPT, IAM) Solid Edge (PRT, ASM) STP, STEP, IGS, IGES, JT, STL, SketchUp, 3DS, and more. ...
A 3D visualizer that opens 2D files (wait, what?). You can see 2D image files in 3D by dragging and dropping them into our free 3D viewer web. Try it with any image file: photos, graphics, and illustrations will beturned into a 3D element automatically.You may also use the model vie...
DXF ist ein Grafik-Bildformat in der Regel mit AutoCAD-Software verwendet. STL ist eine CAD-Software von 3D Systems. Und stl können in 3D-Drucker verwendet. Eingang Formats:dxf Ausgang Formatsstl Optionen: Upload file size should be less than:50M ...
Default Color: This color is used when there is no material information in the model (for example in case of stl files). Changing this value regenerates the model in the background, so the model will be exported with the chosen color. ...