This online Statistics textbook was written by a retired professor of neuroscience. It is based on his lectures of a two semester course in experimental neuroscience/neurophysiology. It is written in plain English and although it covers introductory statistics and advanced statistics, it uses simple ...
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solutions class 11 accountancy ncert solutions class 11 business studies ncert solutions class 11 economics ncert solutions class 11 statistics ncert solutions class 11 commerce ncert solutions for class 10 ncert solutions for class 10 social science ncert solutions for class 10 maths ncert solutions ...
You can search for free textbooks on MERLOT by title, ISBN, or author. There are thousands of books to pick from, and they're all completely free. However, what makes MERLOT different from most of these other free textbook websites is that it's more like a textbook search engine: It i...
I searched for subject areas where it would be easy to distinguish between textbooks and other OERs—chemistry, economics, and statistics, in particular; the column I value is generally different from the column H value because the directories’textbookdesignations are often applied to resources othe...
Statistics Health and Safety Human Rights Electrical Wiring Organic Chemistry Chemical Engineering Industrial Engineering SDG 12 Responsible Consumption And Production Automation Testing Business Management Innovation STEM SDG 7 Affordable And Clean Energy Knowledge Management Humanities Child Psychology Child Develop...
ArtofTravel offers the ebook, How to See the World, backpacking on $25 a day or less for free reading online. ArXivOrg Open access to 771,976 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics AstrologyWeekly 10 books for online readin...
Online interactive statistics textbook InterstatZvacek, JiriHenzler, Jiri
An introductory-level textbook in statistics covering descriptive and inferential statistics. Each chapter has links to related texts, instructional demos, and free statistical analysis programs. Author is David M. Lane, Rice University departments of st
Statdisk Online is a web-based statistical analysis package. It includes over 75 functions and tests, over 400 built-in datasets, and graphing. Statdisk is free to users of Triola Statistics Series textbooks.