COVID-19 pandemicAt the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a shift from in-person to online schooling as the primary mode of instruction for children. This study examines racial/ethnic inequalities in children's participation in online schooling at the height of...
Regardless of the status of the COVID-19 pandemic or potential pandemics in the future, online teaching is a promising endeavor in a growing digital world. Thus, K-12 teachers need to be equipped with the required digital literacy skills and be prepared to teach in environments where students ...
As parents get settled into the routine of homeschooling in the wake of school closures due to the novel coronavirus, many are discovering ways in which they and their children need extra help. A number of platforms offer free online tutoring and other re...
Only 18.54% of the respondents who started homeschooling during COVID-19 stated they did so because of the pandemic, according to CambriLearn. This
2.1. COVID-19 pandemic, digital technologies and higher education The COVID-19 pandemic is not the first time that higher education institutions have introduced programs making use of digital technologies; however, the resulting lockdowns have sped up the process of university digitalization and have...
Due to the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in China, a large number of Chinese students resorted to online learning resources. The increasingly widespread online education enables the investigation of public opinion about this large-scale untraditional mode of learning during this critical...
–Online lessons have the significant advantage of being flexible. Since they can access video recordings and online reading material, students may attend classes when convenient. There is some rigidity when it comes to offline schooling. Students must arrive on time for lectures and other classes....
COVID-19 left educational institutions scrambling to implement comprehensive and high-quality online learning programs, and nursing education was no different. Three experts weight in. Dr. Mary Lou Sole Dean and Endowed Chair, College of Nursing, University of Central Florida Dr. Josh Hamilton Dean...
A child’s mind has to stay active during this COVID-19 quarantine, and not every child learns and retains information in the same way. Distance learning is a great tool to take the place of in-person schooling, but homeschooling is a considerable task to take on as a parent. As of...
UNESCO recommends distance learning programs and open educational applications during school closure caused by COVID-19 so that schools and teachers use to teach their pupils and bound the interruption of education. Therefore, many institutes go for the online classes (Shehzadi et al.,2020). ...