Bizzbrains' Online School Management System helps you easily manage students, staff, grades, attendance, and many courses, all in one simple platform.
The second school provides a complete school management system online to manage your school website, fee payment, student management, admin record, and much more in one place.
School/Student Management System - Cloud/Internet based product/software for School/Student Management System with all latest technologies & features
Learning management through Artificial Intelligence E School The Best School For All MISSION “E School is an App to make world class education accessible to all on this planet. Now an international school is at your door steps. Everybody has the right to get the world class education. ” ...
SKugal is an India-leading school management software company in India. We offer Fees, Attendance, Hostel, Online classes, cloud-based ERP, and more than 100+ Features For School.
Complete School Management System LMS On The Go Manage all your school activities in all departments at one place, from students, teachers, guardians to accounts. Let teachers manage physical or online lessons, exams. Manage your educational institute (school) finances, human resource, inventories, ...
Fully online school management system with scheduler, parent portal, attendance, homework, grades, report card and more for your student information system (sis). FREE 30-day trial. is an Online School Management System with Free text Messages in India. Its having different modules to benifit a school with online management. It includes Daily Attendence Module, Fee Modules, Exam Module, Admisssion, Transportation Module
Online Admission System: Manage the students' online admission for schools & colleges. MasterSoft's online admission system can help educational institutions to automate the admission process effectively.
AuroMeera specializes in the EDUCATION DOMAIN, offering top-tier web-based education management systems through the Education ERP eMLi and eMLi:com-net.