Our advanced tools work tirelessly in the background, providing robust protection against cyber threats while empowering your team to focus on what matters most. Smarter Work, Not Harder In just two weeks, experience how our services enhance your operations by automating complex security tasks, lead...
Awareness and prevention tips on financial scams, cybersecurity and online safety. Hear from industry experts on the latest scams and the rapidly evolving landscape.
Every year, millions of unsuspecting people fall victim to scams online. Fraudsters can cause irreparable damage to your bank balance, your reputation, and your life. Stay Alert When Browsing the Internet Internet fraud is on the rise. Stats platform,Statista, has noted a sharp spike in the in...
Based on our decade-long experience in the online privacy and cybersecurity space, we've seen firsthand how easily personal information can be compromised. From data breaches to phishing scams, the risks are numerous and ever-present. But fear not, our team is here to guide you through the...
In this article we're going to talk about some of the most common cyberattacks and scams that we see, and give you a few things you can do to protect yourself. Gone phishing One of the most common attacks we see are what we call “phishing” attacks (pronounced like ...
One of the most frequent Internet scams you can meet online is the “hitman” extortion attempt. Cybercriminals will send you an email threatening to extort money from you. This type of online scam may come in various forms, such as the one threatening that they will kidnap a family member...
Online Fraud in Cyber crime The guide begins with a detailed introduction to Online Fraud. You will get to learn what kind of crime and fraud comes under the category of online fraud. The way the internet transforms our lives, it’s very important to learn about online scams and frauds. ...
Privacy and Information Security~kids are too trusting. They are more susceptible to malware, viruses, phishing scams, and identity theft. Kids sharing their full names and where they live may not seem like a big deal. Hackers posing as legitimate companies like Google, send emails asking for ...
It is important to know about the cyber security risks of online streaming to remediate the risk of cyberattacks, such as malware, phishing scams, and hacking attempts, which can compromise your personal information and financial data. The COVID pandemic has led to a surge in the use of live...
Internet scams are everywhere. Modern cyberattacks are often presented in the form of elaborate phishing emails and fake web pages. These are carefully crafted to trick you into clicking harmful links by posing as contacts that you trust. From organisations and coworkers, to even friends and fami...