Image:Boris Johnson handed the baton on to Liz truss, who did promise to keep the bill with "tweaks". To the joy of the bill's critics, she said "some tweaks were required" to ensure "we protect the under-18s from harm [and] we also make sure free speech is allowed". And the b...
英国内容监管法案《Online Safety Bill》恐延迟至秋季 英国内容监管法案《Online Safety Bill》将推迟到今年秋季上线,这意味着鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)在辞去保守党领袖之前无法落地。根据数字化、文化、媒体和体育部(DCMS)官员透露的信息,多位英国大臣都希望《Online Safety Bill》能够下周(7 月 21 日开始暑期休...
6 JulyOpen Rights Group,Access Denied: Service Blocking in The Online Safety Bill 23 JuneIndex on Censorship,Right to type: how the “duty of care” model lacksevidence and will damage free speech June 24, (Computer Weekly) Online Safety Bill unfit for purpose [link] June 24 (City AM) D...
The UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak conceded a point to rebel Conservative MPs who were backing an amendment to the Online Safety Bill (the “OSB”) this week, which may result in executives at technology companies facing possible criminal liability. The OSB is a troubled piece of legislation ...
After years of debate, deliberation, and delay, the Online Safety Bill is now official in Britain. The act, which received a Royal Assent in October 2023, aims to make the UK “the safest place in the world to be online.” While the legislation incorporates a broad range of measures, it...
T he UK's OnlineSafety Bill, which isanticipated to come into law duringearly 2023, has been the subject ofsignificant debate. Requests for keychanges to the existing proposals,including pleas for greater simplicity,and clarity over the scope of the obligationsto curb 'harmful but legal' ...
As the Online Safety Bill finally enters the statue books, here's everything you need to know about the long-awaited legislation - including why its backers are so desperate for it to arrive, and its critics have been so concerned.
[01:58.94]In addition, the bills would require companies to permit minors to opt out of product tools that use activity history to predict and suggest additional content to keep users online for long periods. [02:18.66]The...
The Online Safety Bill is a new piece of legislation that is currently in its third reading stage in the House of Lords, with Royal Assent scheduled for around November 2023. It seeks to regulate online providers of user-to-user content and search, as we
Senate passes child online safety bill The Senate passed two key pieces of legislation aimed at keeping children safe on the internet Tuesday afternoon, marking a major step in Congress' ongoing effort to regulate massive tech companies. July 31, 2024 ...