Suitable for: 3rd and 4th graders. This is a fast paced underwater racing game. Start by choosing your animal to race with. An incomplete word will appear in the box on the top left corner. Type the missing letter in the box under it, and hit the "Enter" key. Every correct answer ...
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Reading gaps widen in mid-year data, especially for K-1 students of color Compared to last year, the percentage of students on-track decreased from 55% to 37% for kindergartners, and from 58% to 43% for 1st-graders, according to data in a new report. ...
What It Is:HOMER is the #1 reading program in Apple’s app store for kids 5 & under. It provides kids with a personalized learn-to-read plan offering thousands of lessons on phonics, sight words, ABCs and more, growing with children from age 2-8. In just 15 minutes a day, HOMER R...
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32. Age of Learning (ABCMouse, Adventure Academy, ReadingIQ) Main Website: COVID-19 Offering: 33. Genially Genially lets teachers create interactive learning resources from presentations to infographics. In response to COVID-19, ...
Your child’s MAP score can mean entry into competitive gifted programs. The MAP K-2 VS the Standard MAP Test The NWEA has two forms of the MAP assessment that may be appropriate for a 2nd grader. The first is the MAP K-2, taken also by kindergarteners and 1st graders, which is...