Every smoker has to find his or her own strategy for giving up. In general, self-help groups and stopping smoking with friends have been found to be very helpful. Avoid situations in which you usually smoke and integrate new activities in your daily routine to distract yourself from thinking...
While cigarette use has been addressed as a global health problem, most smokers still find difficulties and barriers in accessing health facilities or finding a suitable method to quitting the habit. This paper will discuss the study exploring a self-help group on an online-based platform, namely...
There are any number of support networks online aimed at those with problems they wish to solve. One such problem is the need to quite smoking. Research published in theInternational Journal of Telemedicine and Clinical Practices, has looked at how useful online health communities are in this eff...
Thank you for changing my life I feel so much better already I would recommend this program thank you so much for being there to support me even after the seminar ️ Lisa, UK Smoking If you want to quit then this is the way to quit smoking & quit vaping.Day flew by and ...
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Helping Each OtherQuit Online: Understanding User Engagement and Real-life Outcomes of the r/StopSmoking Digital Smoking Cessation CommunitySmoking cessationdigital supportdata analysisredditDespite decades of prevention, tobacco addiction is still a widespread health concern responsible for around 8 million ...
A lack of mental health support and knowledge Herbec et al., 2014 [42]/ United Kingdom To explore the needs and preferences of pregnant women seeking online stop smoking support Descriptive qualitative study, 13 pregnant women, pregnancy Online platform (MumsQuit) / Smoking cession Audio recorded...
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You can visit ourOnline Doctor stop smoking clinicto get advice and support to help you on your journey to quitting smoking for good. LloydsPharmacy also has a whole range ofstop smoking treatments and aidswhich may be able to help you to quit smoking too. ...
Pregnant women who are struggling to kick the butt have a new ray of hope with a website that would support them, instead of inducing feelings of guilt or shame. PREGNETS (Prevention of Gestational and Neonatal Exposure to Tobacco Smoke) of the Centre fo