We would like to remind our customers to be vigilant when conducting online purchase: Select sellers carefully when shopping online; Check the sellers' credibility if possible before conducting online transactions; Conduct online transactions through secured and trusted network or platform to reduce the ...
unfortunately, do not stand still and continually come up with new ways to steal our money. You should be careful and follow smart online shopping tips when providing your credit card information to make a purchase.
5. Use a personal verification system. Requiring customers to set up an account with you before they make a purchase lets you verify them with their login credentials. Alternatively, you can ask customers to confirm their identity by providing a photo of their driver’s license or other governm...
It’s also important to be aware of using public Wi-Fi in retail brick and mortar stores. For example,when you’re in a shopping mall — about to make a purchase — it is understandable that you might want to check some online e-tailer websites to see if they are offering better dea...
Proper online security is essential for protecting you and your money on the internet. These 10 internet safety tips from Better Money Habits will help keep you secure online.
5. Use Security Software Anti-virus software, anti-spyware software, and firewalls can all be helpful in preventing fraud, the FTC notes. Be sure to update your protections often and safeguard your operating system and any other software you use often. ...
Once online payments has been enabled, you can use your bank card to purchase products on any e-commerce website in China. Tip: Use AliPay or WeChat to Pay Online in China For an extra layer of security when paying for items online in China,use Alipay or WeChat when checking-out. ...
Get a separate card for online purchases, and keep minimal funds on it. Even if attackers find out the details of this card, they still won’t get their hands on your main money source. It’s best to top up the card immediately before making a purchase and only by the amount you int...
to selling online. Customers often sift through images first and sometimes rely heavily on your photos to make their purchase decision. Use professional photos and videos to showcase the product’s looks, feel, size, dimensions, proper use, and more. View more eCommerceproduct photography tips....
the divide over use of antivirus software is that security experts are more likely than non experts to use a non-Windows operating system. So while it may be tempting to interpret the results as showing experts think AV isn't an effective security measure, that's not automatically the case...