1 或者在弹出online plug-in无法访问网络位置提示时,选择右下角的浏览 选中刚才解压的文件夹 ,选中ICAWebWrapper.msi安装完成即可 2 如果有卸载不掉的或者卸载后安装不上的可以找到解压后的ReceiverCleanupUtility.exe程序卸载,以管理员身份运行后重启电脑即可,若还是不行可以看看安全软件被禁用的服务项,也可以试试...
在前面我们已经成功的发布了应用程序和桌面,激动的一刻马上就要到来了,终于可以见证XenApplication是如何launch起来的。当然一台普通的Client是无法launch应用程序的,首先我们要给它配置犀利的战甲——Online Plug-in 。 1.安装Online Plug-in 在光盘根目录下找到\Citrix Receiver and Plug-ins\Windows\Online Plug-in...
在前面我们已经成功的发布了应用程序和桌面,激动的一刻马上就要到来了,终于可以见证XenApplication是如何launch起来的。当然一台普通的Client是无法launch应用程序的,首先我们要给它配置犀利的战甲——Online Plug-in 。 1.安装Online Plug-in 在光盘根目录下找到\Citrix Receiver and Plug-ins\Windows\Online Plug-in...
Online-Plug-in网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 Online-Plug-in 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. The extensible admin console itself needs to be installed as a plug-in from the online plug-in catalog. 可扩展的管理控制台本身需要作为来自在线插件目录的插件安装。 www.ibm.com...
登录时online plug-in提示“ICAWebWrapper.msi”文件丢失 故障描述 提示“ICAWebWrapper.msi”文件丢失 故障分析 故障来源:1、receiver故障;2、系统故障; 故障排除步骤 1、关闭系统保护; 2、进入瘦客户机本地桌面系统,显示隐藏文件夹; 3、点击“游览”,在目录“C:\ProgramData\Citrix\Citrix Receiver”下找到...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于online plug-in无法访问网络位置的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及online plug-in无法访问网络位置问答内容。更多online plug-in无法访问网络位置相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进
To enable an AP to automatically go online in plug-and-play mode, ensure that the AP uses factory settings. To enable the AP to register with iMaster NCE-Campus in URL mode, ensure that the AP can correctly resolve the domain name of iMaster NCE-Campus after obtaining the IP address. Yo...
To enable an AC to automatically go online in plug-and-play mode, ensure that the AC uses factory settings. If the AP and AC use the same DHCP address pool, the option 148 parameter ap-agilemode=tradition-fit is required to prevent the AP from switching to the cloud mo...
Use the “Online plug-in – web” to access hosted applications and desktops using Windows Internet Explorer or Firefox browsers. Contact your IT help desk to install the full Citrix Receiver for Windows. The Online Plug-in can be used with Windows 7, XP, Vista, 2003, 2008, & 2008R2. ...
If a value exists that matches the key name of an online store, Windows Media Player checks the registry to see whether that online store has provided a type 2 plug-in. If the plug-in exists, Windows Media Player loads the plug-in and calls its methods to determine whether the user is...