egroupware - Software suite including calendars, address books, notepad, project management tools, client relationship management tools (CRM), knowledge management tools, a wiki and a CMS. (Source Code) GPL-2.0 PHP EspoCRM - CRM with a frontend designed as a single page application, and a REST...
Whether you need a quick and simple notepad and editor for personal use, or you’re collaborating on a big project and you need the ultimatenote-taking app, you’ll find what you’re looking for right here. Read on to discover the best onlinenote-taking appsaround today and start turning...
save into EML. Even if you use a different email client, you can usually use that program to open EML files if they’ve been sent as an attachment. You can also usually open EML files with web browsers, and sometimes they will open in plain text editors like Notepad or Apple TextEdit...
PNPROJ Converter Programmer's Notepad Project File Converter PNPT Converter Programmer's Notepad Project Template Converter PNS Converter Popnoggin Subject File Converter PNT Converter Popnoggin Theme File Converter POD Converter OpenProj Project File Converter POI Converter Magellan Maestro Point of Interest...
TXT to PDF: This is the best thing since if you are using Notepad or so to write down something and you want to convert it into PDF, you can do that with the help of this option. View Metadata: Every file you create or have in your computer has metadata and you can view the meta...
I'm in need of a simple online notepad tool, similar to Key Requirements: - Basic text editing capabilities only, no need for rich text formatting or advanced features. - The tool should be standalone with no collaboration features. - No cloud storage integration is required, just a simple...
Cleaner for the environment.No more wasted paper and notepads for taking notes! Most online conferences offer downloadable presentation notes, recordings, etc. to the attendees. Plus you can take notes yourself in NotePad. Shyness no more!It is especially beneficial to those who are shy or intro...
5.Open the SRT file with Notepad. 6.Clean up the SRT file you turned into text and now you have text that you may or may not be able to use (make sure you have the right to use the text to stay out of trouble). What Is An SRT File?
Additionally, larger displays are well-suited for creative work like photo editing, design, and drawing, especially when used with a stylus. Display Resolution Let's take a closer look at tablet resolution. While some displays offer exceptional visual quality, they are often limited to higher-end...
Text Editor(KEdit) bears roughly the same relationship to KWrite that Notepad does to WordPad in the MS Windows environment. KEdit is a no-frills text tool with search and replace capability, but no syntax highlighting or other fancy tricks found in the other editors. Interestingly, KEdit does...