California MFT white paper points to social stigma as barrier to treatmentdoi:10.1002/mhw.30792Valerie A. CanadyMental Health Weekly
I became a therapist because of my lifelong pursuit of personal development, spiritual growth and meaningful relationships. I draw on my creativity and wits to help. In therapy as well as my every day life, I accentuate the positive and the practical. I’m committed to helping you create cha...
UK 1975-1978; Travis AFB, CA 1978-1979; Fairchild AFB, WA1979-1982; Hahn AB, Germany 1982-1986; and Minot AFB, ND 1986-1994. Duties ranged from perimeter boundaries, ART/SRT/MFT, access control, area supervisor, Central Security Controller (CSC), Wing Security Controller...
Only one measure is applied consistently to graduates of all MFT programs, regardless of accreditation status: licensure examinations. Within California, COAMFTE-accredited, regionally (WASC) accredited, and state-approved programs all may offer degrees qualifying for licensure. Exam data from 2004, ...
CaliforniaUSAsea otterstable isotopestrophic discrimination factors (TDFs)vibrissaeThe ability to quantify dietary inputs using stable isotope data depends on accurate estimates of isotopic differences between a consumer (c) and its diet (d), commonly referred to as trophic discrimination factors (TDFs...