完全可编辑的文本。RGB 颜色模式。所有图表都可以更改和编辑。 已经注册过?去登录 点击下载VIP专享设计资源 微海报 文件信息 名称:在线视频会议PPT幻灯片模板下载 StepHole – Online Meeting PowerPoint Template 格式:PPT,PPTX 大小:5.23 MB 版权:仅供参考学习,请勿直接商用 标签 PPT幻灯片在线会议PPT视频会议PPT...
特征: 30 张创意、干净、简单的多用途幻灯片。 HD 16:9 宽屏幻灯片格式(1920 x 1080 px)。 将图像与幻灯片母版一起放置。 完全可编辑的文本。 RGB 颜色模式。 所有图表都可以更改和编辑。
meetingTemplateId String 会议模板的ID。 recordAutomatically 布尔值 指示是否自动录制会议。 继承自 onlineMeetingBase。 shareMeetingChatHistoryDefault meetingChatHistoryDefaultMode 指定是否与参与者共享会议聊天历史记录。 可取值为:all、none、unknownFutureValue。 继承自 onlineMeetingBase。 startDateTime 日期时间 会...
对onlineMeeting 的后续更新无法覆盖 meetingTemplateId 或锁定的会议选项。 使用自定义会议模板创建会议是一项Teams 高级版功能。请求以下示例显示了一个请求。HTTP C# CLI Go Java JavaScript PHP PowerShell Python HTTP 复制 POST https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/me/onlineMeetings Content-Type: application/js...
IsMeeting (CalendarEventDetails) IsMeetingRequest IsMeetingResponse IsMember IsMember (FederatedDirectoryGroupType) IsMembershipGroup IsModerated IsNDR IsNotEqualTo IsNotSupported IsOccurrencePresent IsOnlineMeeting IsOrganizer IsOutOfDate IsOwner IsPartiallyIndexed IsPermanentFailure IsPermissionControlled IsPin...
Use This Template Xtensio is your team space for beautiful living documents. Create,manageandsharebusiness collateral, easily. Join the318,961changemakers. How to create a meeting agenda withXtensio Click and start editing, no account or credit card required. ...
Meeting management in SharePoint Metadata column value is missing when document is copied from one library to another. Microsoft API not validating credentials to get a token to pass to sharepoint Microsoft Forms not allowing/option is greyed out suddenly "Anyone with a link can respond" Migration...
It's got a nice and intuitive interface, a decent selection of templates, and all the features, voting, and sticky notes that you need to run a good collaborative design meeting. FigJam also has one of the more powerful AI implementations. It's capable of creating entire whiteboard ...
The software enables real-time control of your company’s brand and message across the marketing and sales teams with eye-pleasing slides and video customizable for each meeting. The software introduces a B2B sales presentation application that allows your marketing team to manage better ads and ...
An annual general meeting is a yearly gathering between the shareholders of a company and its board of directors. This is the section where you need to: represent all the facts, update the current situation, report potential investors, key events, activities and achievements, highlight goals, an...