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In Distance Calculus, there is no "answer key" to check your answers, as many high school math courses are geared for. For these reasons, some high school students experience an unfamiliar sense of unsuccessfulness at the beginning of the course, which is disconcerting for many. For some ...
Robert Siegel
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Complete online math courses for test prep, tutoring, and homeschooling. Get the exact Math Help programs you need to conquer math and pursue your dreams.
Acellus Academy courses may be taken for credit recovery by students who didn’t pass a course on their first attempt. Since each course is flexible and self-paced, coursework may be completed in the evening, during weekends, or during summer. ...
Complete online math courses for test prep, tutoring, and homeschooling. Get the exact Math Help programs you need to conquer math and pursue your dreams.
COURSE TITLE: College Calculus I; 4th Credit NUMBER: MTH 320 + 1 1 semester creditThis course is designed to bridge the gap from the 3 credit MTH 320 Calculus I course to the 4 credit MTH 325 Calculus I for Science and Math Majors course, and is in particular addressed to engineering...
The American Council on Education, a nonprofit organization that represents most of the nation's college and university presidents, is preparing to weigh in on massive open online courses - MOOCs, for short - a new way of teaching and learning that has t