Online learning and teaching platform for virtual classroom, quiz and goal-based training cohort and workrooms. Learn, teach & build profile.
An online learning platform is a user-facing environment where students can learn new skills. In comparison, a learning management system is a back-end solution that provides all the necessary tools to the online learning platform so it can function smoothly. This would provide features like uploa...
Online learning and teaching platform for virtual classroom, quiz and goal-based training cohort and workrooms. Learn, teach & build profile.
Our subscription-based platform delivers everything you need to accelerate your skills and career. With access to technical and marketing self-paced content, AI-driven learning, and practical experiences, growth is faster and more efficient.
Better learning means better working. Tech, marketing, and sales teams benefit from transforming together through customised courses, hands-on labs, and learning programs that focus on the skills most important to your digital transformation. your technical and commercial teams. Create a talent market...
Livestream Learning Studio is an exciting school year subscription service that provides unmatched and powerful educational engagement across many subject areas.
A smarter approach to workplace learning Improve performance and your bottom line. Our learning platform is powered by artificial intelligence, machine Learning, business intelligence, and more, improving outcomes while saving you time and money. It shortens time to proficiency, facilitates better retent...
Discovery Education Is an Online Learning Platform That Offers Award-Winning Digital Content & Professional Development for Educators. Learn More Today!
Discovery Education Is an Online Learning Platform That Offers Award-Winning Digital Content & Professional Development for Educators. Learn More Today!
More organizations choose Moodle to support their education and training needs than any other platform around the world. With a wide-range of plugins, scalability, and services, it’s highly customizable and can become your online learning platform in a way that no other LMS can. Join hundreds...