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Converting Patterns Recognising the problem is half the battle If you want to knit a model but can't quite come to terms with the instructions in the knitting pattern, you can quite easily convert the pattern. First of all, check where the problem is. The most important thing before startin...
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4 Adding knitting instructions 5 Further reading Introduction LaTeX provides a special document class to make easier typesetting documents with knitting patterns and pictures. This article explains how to use the package knittingpattern. Using knitting patterns is straightforward. You just have to declar...
\documentclass{knittingpattern} \begin{document} \title{Knitting patterns} \author{Overleaf team} \date{\today} \maketitle \cpyrght{Overleaf team} \intro{ Introductory text here. It will look better if it has the same height as the image next to it. Introductory text here. It will look bet...