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cgithub-pagegh-pagesojonline-judgepatzjuprogramming-ability-testpat-exercises UpdatedJun 1, 2023 C SPOJ like judge to automatically judge the submitted solution. phpjudgeonline-judgeaurora-online-judge UpdatedSep 29, 2021 PHP A modern open-source online judge and contest platform system. ...
Online Judge Kernel支持作为Telnet服务器、客户端,远程连接管理。 Online Judge Kernel支持作为FTP服务器,提供FTP服务。 Online Judge Kernel支持API Hook安全防护。 Online Judge Web Platform支持ACM和CodeJam两种竞赛模式。 Online Judge Web Platform支持ELO rating system,更好的给参赛选手评估水平 ...
An online judge is an online system to test programs in programming contests. They are also used to practice for such contests like ICPC. The system can compile and execute your code, and test your code with pre-constructed data. Submitted code may be run with restrictions, including time li...
An online judge is an online system to test programs in programming contests. They are also used to practice for such contests like ICPC. The system can compile and execute your code, and test your code with pre-constructed data. Submitted code may be run with restrictions, including time ...
import "" // match a file against a particular .gitignore ignore, err := gitignore.NewFromFile("/my/.gitignore") if err != nil { panic(err) } match := ignore.Match("/my/file/to.check") if match != nil { if match.Ignore() { return...
Backend(Django): Frontend(Vue): Judger Sandbox(Seccomp): JudgeServer(A wrapper for Judger): Installation Follow me:
Jiangnan Online Judge 江南在线评测系统(Jiangnan Online Judge),是一个在线的判题系统。 用户可以在线提交程序多种程序(如C、C++、Java)源代码,系统对源代码进行编译和执行,并通过预先设计的测试数据来检验程序源代码的正确性。 在线体验 JNOJ Demo 新版V2 (暂未稳定,仅供体验) ...
青岛大学OnlineJudge部署脚本 dockerscriptonline-judges UpdatedMay 11, 2016 Shell My submissions to online judges and algorithms for competitive programming rustcppcompetitive-programmingonline-judges UpdatedMar 21, 2021 C++ Accepted solutions of various Online Judges problems (Codeforces, Codechef, Hackerrank...
前端(Vue): 判题沙箱(Seccomp): 判题服务器(对Judger的封装): 安装 请根据此进行安装: ...