Online judge (OJ) systems are becoming increasingly popular in various applications such as programming training, competitive programming contests and even employee recruitment, mainly due to their ability of automatic evaluation of code submissions. In higher education, OJ systems have been extensively ...
The judge is simple to use. In order to host a programming competition, you must have a LAN. It does not matter if the LAN is wired or wireless. After that, the steps are as follows. In a terminal, type the following commands: $ cd ~/judge $ ./ In another terminal, ...
To master computer programming, students need to understand abstract concepts and basic programming method, programming language, have problem-solving ability, and even more important is to do plenty of programming practices. This paper describes our online judge system (YOJ) which is used to ...
Welcome To PKU JudgeOnline(POJ) Welcome to Hangzhou Dianzi University Online Judge(HDU) OpenJudge - 百练 - 首页(PKU) Codeforces Programming Competition,Programming Contest,Online Computer Programming(CodeChef) Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ) Saratov State University :: Online Contester(SGU) Timus Online Ju...
An online judge is an online system to test programs in programming contests. They are also used to practice for such contests like ICPC. The system can compile and execute your code, and test your code with pre-constructed data. Submitted code may be run with restrictions, including time ...
Sharif Judge is a free and open source online judge for C, C++, Java and Python programming courses. The web interface is written in PHP (CodeIgniter framework) and the main backend is written in BASH. Python in Sharif Judge is not sandboxed yet. Just a low level of security is provided...
online judge & practicecourse projectempirical researchPractical abilities are important for students from majors including Computer Science and Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. Along with the popularity of ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM/ICPC) and other programming contests, ...
Online Judge (OJ) is an important aid for programming learning that can help students evaluate learning effects in real-time, while teachers can adjust practice tasks in time according to the records of the tool. With these advantages, OJ shows great value for promoting teaching and learning in...
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For 10 days now, a new online judge (a system for the verification of the correctness of submitted programs, which solve problems selected from a repository) has been available to the public. The Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ) is available at