You become eligible to withdraw the retirement corpus from the Tier I account only upon the completion of 5 years from the date of opening of the account or on attaining the age of 60 years, whichever is earlier. However, in the case of a Tier II account, you can make withdrawals at ...
SBI Sorry 'Bout It SBTA Sorry, Being Thick Again SBUG Small Bald Unaudacious Goal SC Stay Cool SCNR Sorry, Could Not Resist SCOTUS Supreme Court Of The United States SCUICHT So Coked Up I Can Hardly Type SDC Saturday (or Sunday) Drinking Club SDFB Smoke Dope F*** B*tches SDFS Seco...
SBI Life – Annuity Plus Minimum: 0 year - product conversion; 40 years - all other cases, 55 years - QROPS cases Maximum: 80 years Minimum: Such that the minimum annuity instalment can be paid Maximum: No limit Minimum: Monthly: Rs. 1000 Quarterly: Rs. 3000 Half-yearly: Rs. 6,000,...
13.I agree that I shall not pay any amount in cash to any Sales Representative of the Bank at the time of opening an account or carrying out any transaction in the normal course of the business. I agree to deposit cash only at the Bank’s teller counters at the branch premises. ...