EdX partners with many organizations and companies around the globe to make the online learning experience of edX free certificate courses outstanding. EdX has partnerships with Google, AWS, IBM, SBI, The Linux Foundation, MandarinX, IsraelX, Microsoft and whatnot. Popular Certification Specialisation...
LinkedIn Learning gives students the option between enrolling in an individual class for focused learning in a particular skill or pursuing a Learning Path, which groups together multiple courses around a broader topic. Learning Paths typically lead to a LinkedIn Learning certificate, which students can...
The NCCPA offers the Certificate of Added Qualifications (CAQ) in emergency medicine, hospital medicine, psychiatry, cardiovascular surgery, orthopedic surgery, nephrology and pediatrics. These specializations are optional, but they do provide an opportunity for existing PA-Cs to gain additional education...
Online Master of Health Science in Addiction Studies Governors State also offers a nationally accredited online doctoral degree in education and an online certificate in online teaching and learning. In addition, some hybrid online courses are available. On campus and online students are encouraged to...
Healthcare Informatics Courses Patents Courses Copyright Courses Accounting Courses Criminology Courses Political Science Courses Governance Courses Showing 1,370 courses Sort by Relevancy Filter by With certificate (572) Free course (953) With free certificate (43) University course only (61...
These two courses are fully online, making them suitable for people with full-time jobs or family obligations. Degree: MSN in Nursing Informatics program, MS in Health Informatics Find out how to apply at the program site! 7. Arizona State University The Masters of Advanced Study (MAS) ...
Instructional faculty who teach courses accessible online 12 full-time; 30 part-time Instructional faculty with Ph.D. or terminal degree 100% full-time; 30% part-time Tenured or tenure-track faculty N/A Average experience teaching online courses 12 years Program fully finances faculty training...
Understanding Research Ethics Classes: 2 Free ✴️MARS- Medical Agency for Research and Statistics inviting our medical community to attend the next FREE lecture (with certificate) about: UNDERSTANDING RESEARCH ETHICS Enroll Now ORCID identification number Classes: 1 Free ⁉️What is an ...
informatics midwifery There are also practitioner programs to prepare family, gerontological, pediatric, or psychiatric nurses. Certain courses for online master’s programs in nursing can be completed online. However, all nursing degrees include in-person components. As part of these online master’s...
Informatics Nursing Administration/Leadership Nursing Education Nursing Practitioner More specialized departments/concentrations offered Adult/geriatric - acute Family/primary care Psychiatric/mental health Course Offerings Credit-granting courses 41 Faculty Instructional faculty who teach courses accessible online 35...