Guitar 6-stringStandard (E A D G B E) Debug Start playing songs you love with easy chords Explore thousands of songs for guitar with chords and lyrics. Explore songs Join millions playing with GuitarTuna #1 tunerin AppStore & Google Play ...
An online guitar tuner that can be changed to any tuning you want. 6 String Guitar | 7 String Guitar | 4 String Bass | 5 String Bass
Free online guitar tuner from Fender. Tune your acoustic, electric or bass guitar, select from standard tuning, 12 alternate tunings or customize your own!
The guitar tuner app is the fastest, easiest and most accurate way to tune your guitar. Discover 100+ different tunings for acoustic guitar and electric guitar, including popular guitar tunings: standard, drop D, drop A, half step down, and more. ...
Tune your guitar online with a microphone! The guitar tuner will determine the frequency of the sound and help you to correctly adjust each string.
Free online guitar tuner. Use the microphone to tune your guitar. Includes a massive library of alternative tunings.
The thickest string on the guitar is the 6th string, and the thinnest is the 1st string. It tells you what string it is on each button. Also, be careful on how high you set the notes, because I have included notes on the tuner that would probably snap average guitar strings. Good ...
The thickest string on the guitar is the 6th string, and the thinnest is the 1st string. It tells you what string it is on each button. Also, be careful on how high you set the notes, because I have included notes on the tuner that would probably snap average guitar strings. Good ...
This is especially important when you tune lower notes (thicker strings) as pitch that is detected initially might be higher than it really is when string stabilizes. Silence Tune your guitar in a quiet place because environmental noises might affect accuracy of the tuner. Manual Mode Switch the...
Tune your acoustic guitar with Fender's free, guitar tuner. Select standard or alternate tunings or customize your own tune for your acoustic guitar.