• Eulexis-Biblissima: online search in the Greek dictionaries: Liddell-Scott-Jones (Greek-English), Bailly (Greek-French), Pape (Greek-German) • Philologic or Perseus: Greek-English lexicon by Henry Liddell & Robert Scott, completed by Henry Jones (LSJ) (1940) • Lsj.gr: search ...
Greek dictionaries and online translationOnline Greek dictionaries http://www.kypros.org/cgi-bin/lexicon/ http://www.translatum.gr http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/definitionlookup http://www.lexilogos.com/english/greek_ancient_dictionary.htm http://www.greek-dictionary.orgEnglish-Greek Culinary...
Perseus Project– amazing compilation of Greek and Roman historical literature and information in English Lexicons New Testament Greek Old Testament Hebrew Music KSBJ- 24 hour online Christian music - choose either contemporary Christian or contemporary praise music ...
Greek dictionarieshttp://www.kypros.org/cgi-bin/lexicon/ http://www.translatum.gr http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/definitionlookup http://www.lexilogos.com/english/greek_ancient_dictionary.htm http://www.greek-dictionary.orgInformation about Greek | Phrases | Numbers | Family words | Time...
There has been a tendency for DIB biographies to become more detailed and ambitious in scope. This is mainly in response to the widespread digitisation of primary source material over the past decade, which has heightened expectations of what the DIB can deliver. In particular, the ability to ...
I have to admit that, barring a few cursesDan Abondolotaught me forty years ago, I’ve never looked into Albanian, but it’s nice to have the links should I choose to do so.