Getting Your Ohio GED A GED credential is recognized by most employers and colleges and helps prepare individuals for their profession of choice or college career. The GED test covers Mathematical Reasoning, Science, Social Studies and Reasoning Through Language Arts knowledge. Since 2021, the GED...
Check below to see if your state is participating in the Online GED Test. Before you can schedule an online test, you must score “Green” on the GED Ready practice test within the last 60 days. Discounts and free testing may depend on meeting certain conditions in your state. Check with...
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All of our college-level courses are introductory and meant for beginners without backgrounds in the particular subjects. You don’t need to prepare, or take anything before. As long as you have your GED/High School Diploma, you canjust register, choose the courses you want, and begin learni...
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GED:This test is for those who have not completed high school. It measures proficiency in science, mathematics, social studies, reading and writing. While a high school diploma is the usual entry-level requirement for 4-year degree programs, most colleges consider passing the GED equivalent to ...
Diploma or GED required Minimum high school GPA required 3 Academic admissions factors Rigor of secondary school record Not Considered Class rank Not Considered GPA Very Important Recommendation(s) Not Considered Standardized test scores Not Considered Application essay Not Considered Non-academic admissions...