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IELTS Practice Test Volume 8 3.6 (1,471 votes) Prepare for IELTS General Training Volume 2 3.3 (1,005 votes) IELTS tip of the day 5 Penalty Areas for Indian Students in IELTS Listening 3.5 (348 votes) Since Indian students are writing and speaking in English with Indian accent, with not...
Achieve your English test goals with E2Language's expert test prep courses for IELTS, OET, PTE & TOEFL. Get personalised lessons, practice tests, and real-time feedback to boost your score.
Preparation for IELTS Speaking We have added recent IELTS speaking test questions, which are from the Internet, and our visitors who have just taken the test. Also, we have started Speaking Club on Zoom to improve your speaking level.
This is a Test Preparation app for IELTS with 4 Skills. You can Practice content like IELTS Listening, IELTS Reading, IELTS Writing, IELTS Speaking. The app pro…
虽然是线上考试,但是ielts online test的内容和形式与雅思学术考试完全一致,包括听力、阅读、写作和口语四个部分,难度和要求均与考场考试相当。这保证了考试的公平性。线上形式只是交付方式的改变,核心考试依然值得信赖。 ielts online test采用严格的监考措施 ...
The best site to practice IELTS practice tests online, with wide range of tests from Recent Actual Tests, mock tests, past papers tests to many different topics, Number and Names listening practice tests, TED talk listening practice tests and many more.
Stress is the biggest reason why test takers with a high English level do not achieve their target scores. By going into IELTS unprepared, you're more likely to get stressed from small mistakes that test takers with more experience learned to ignore. That's just one example, but many ...