3 reviews DE Dec 2, 2024 Schnelle und gute Empfehlungen aber limitierte Interaktion In meiner Erfahrung ist OnlineDoctor ein sehr schneller und einfach zu bedienender Service. Ich habe sehr schenll eine detaillierte Empfehlung erhalten, die mir geholfen hat. Allerdings fand ich es schade, dass...
Find and compare healthcare providers in your area who accept your insurance. Read reviews from other patients and conveniently book your appointment online.
Find more than a good doctor. Find the right doctor for you. Your healthA to Z Easy–to–understand health information to help you be ready for your appointment. Learn what you need to know about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options to discuss with your doctor. From major surgery to...
Find and compare healthcare providers in your area who accept your insurance. Read reviews from other patients and conveniently book your appointment online.
Find and compare healthcare providers in your area who accept your insurance. Read reviews from other patients and conveniently book your appointment online.
Find and compare healthcare providers in your area who accept your insurance. Read reviews from other patients and conveniently book your appointment online.
Find and compare healthcare providers in your area who accept your insurance. Read reviews from other patients and conveniently book your appointment online.
To our knowledge, no study has previously analyzed whether doctors with positive online reputations on doctor review websites actually deliver higher quality of care typically associated with better clinical outcomes and better safety records. For a number of procedures, surgeons who perform more ...
Find and compare healthcare providers in your area who accept your insurance. Read reviews from other patients and conveniently book your appointment online.
This study sought to examine the online doctor review practice in China, including addressing the following questions: (1) How many doctors and specialty areas are available for online review? (2) How many online reviews are there on those doctors? (3) What specialty area doctors are more ...