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Free online courses, videos and lectures from the world's leading universities like Yale, MIT, Stanford, and Harvard. Over 500 courses right at your fingertips.
“edX has a wide range of courses that are easy to follow and genuinely useful. I just finished a course in Project Management, and it’s already making a difference at work.”—Louise OpenLearning: Best for micro-credentials and community learning ...
Free online courses, videos and lectures from the world's leading universities like Yale, MIT, Stanford, and Harvard. Over 500 courses right at your fingertips.
5. Once you sign up for a course and activate your account, click on the login button on the home page and type in your email address and edX password. This will take you to your dashboard, with access to each of your active courses. ...
Tech support: A capable technical support team can provide assistance when you need it, so you can stay on top of time-sensitive, tech-dependent assignments. Mobile access: Online classes allow you to bring your courses with you anywhere you go, across multiple devices and platforms.In...
edX is also a great place to find high-quality online courses that can help your team expand their skills and knowledge and drive them to deliver exceptional performance. There are over 3000+ courses on this platform, designed and hosted by some of the world’s leading institutions such as ...
edX is the online learning platform that prepares you for every career moment. Register for free, and get immediate access to: * Education for every budget and background. Choose from thousands of courses and programs — from free courses to full degrees — that match your personal, professiona...