The three MOOCs on climate change and health had a reach of almost 7000 students worldwide, as compared to the scope of a face-to-face course on the same topic of 30 students, including students from resource-low environments that are already vulnerable to current changes in climate. The ...
Learn about climate change, sustainability and what can be done to reduce your environmental impact with these free online courses from top universities on FutureLearn.
Climate change and health (Coursera) View more details Globalisation and health governance (Coursera) Globalisation and health governance is the first instalment of the wider Global Health Challenges and Governance specialisation from Imperial College London's Global Master of Public Health (GMPH). The...
How is our need for energy and resources shaping the environmental challenges for tomorrow? Explore the natural world, and understand the causes and impact of climate change, with our online environment and biology courses. Choose a Nature & Environment topic ...
essential for the fitness trainer, health science and health care professionals, nutritionists Discover how energy affects our body, how to manage people's energy, where it comes from and what affects energy levels. Learn about energy and movement within the human body. What are the factors that...
The adverse health impacts of climate change are increasing on a global level. However, knowledge about climate change and health is still unavailable to many global citizens, in particular on adaptation measures and co-benefits of health mitigation. Edu
Cities, Climate and Change: Pathways and Opportunities (Coursera) How can we develop transformative skills and capacities to achieve climate neutral and sustainable cities? This course explores how we can design, create and achieve climate neutral and sustainable cities. We embrace the “mission to ...
The Health Effects of Climate Change The Path to Happiness: What Chinese Philosophy Teaches us about the Good Life Using Python for Research Students can enroll at any time and start learning at their own pace. Everyone leads busy lives, so it's nice to know that you can pursue your passio...
Here are the 20 most popular freeonline university coursesandmassive open online courses (MOOCs)starting in July 2023, based onClass Centrallearners’ activity. If you don’t find what you need in the course list below, browseClass Central’s catalog of over 150K courses or visit our thematic...
11.The Health Effects of Climate Change This course is described as "not just an elegy for the planet, but a call to action."Credit: Harvard University You know about climate change's impact on the environment, but what about its impact on your health? Created with support from the Harvar...