Stay at your current school and take online courses part-time through the Statewide Online Education Program (SOEP). Students get future-ready with industry certifications and career fields. Students earn high school credits while in 7th or 8th grade. Academic levels for learners include core, comp...
Compared to last year, the percentage of students on-track decreased from 55% to 37% for kindergartners, and from 58% to 43% for 1st-graders, according to data in a new report. By Naaz Modan • Feb. 25, 2021 Decisions to stop or start in-person K-12 learning aren’t getting ea...
Online and on-campus students are in separate courses Credits earned online equal earned on campus Yes Faculty who teach online also teach on campus All Same curricula for online and campus students Most Dedicated business school career center Yes Access to same career services as on-campus busines...
“We started using Southeast Academy in January of 2019 after a very bad experience at a private school. Southeast has been such a wonderful experience for my soon to be 9th and 5th graders. The teachers are in constant contact with them and answer any question they have. The office staff...
Alabama 2nd-graders join classmate on adoption day: 'A very special time' "It's like Ezra completely let his walls down and has taken his dad in wholeheartedly," Arana told Storyful. "Raul came into my life and has been nothing but a blessing for our whole family." Related Topics G...
This collection is filled with resources you can use to get your seventh graders proficient in the Common Core standards for math. Use these lessons and quizzes to teach your students about algebraic expressions and equations. 2 chapters in Common Core Math Grade 7 - Expressions & Equations: ...
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