Online Teacher Education Courses by VESi, available for various types of credit including Continuing Education Units (CEUs), Professional Learning Units (PLUs), Professional Development Units (PDUs), Clock Hours, Undergraduate credit, or Graduate credit.
Choose from best-selling courses including Teacher Well-Being, Supporting Young People with Anxiety, Culturally Responsive Education in the Classroom and more. Continuing education course fees include access to all online course materials as well as a certificate of completion. Completed 1 credit, 2 c...
Online Continuing Education and Professional Development for Teachers. TeachMe CEUs is an approved provider for continuing education for teachers. Earn your continuing education in a fast and affordable online format from TeachMe. Start today!
Finally, teachers will be introduced to the concept of flipped learning and receive tips and resources for implementing a flipped learning model in each content area. By the end of this continuing education course, teachers will have discovered many ways to effectively and efficiently use the ...
Alaska Staff Development Network continuing education for teachers & related professionals - distance learning courses - professional development for teachers.
We provide convenient, 24/7 access to job-embedded courses. Our goal is to create learning opportunities that meet the needs of every teacher, school, and district. PD for your schedule Continuing Education can be difficult to fit into your schedule. We developed rigorous online courses with bu...
(2006). Different media, different types of collective work in online continuing teacher education: would you pass the pen, please? In J. Navotna, H. Maraova, M. Kratka & N. Stehlikova (editors), Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the Int...
Summit teachers are amazing and they offer a wide range of topics with live and online experiences. All this for a great price and a wide range of courses. - Beth, Physical Therapist 1,500+ CE Courses Annually Every Learning Format 400+ New Courses Each Year + State Requirements ...
The Professional Development Institute, in association with the prestigious University of California San Diego Division of Extended Studies (UCSD), has established a STEM Competency Program for teachers of grades K-12. In our rapidly advancing world, it is clear that student mastery of science, tech...
Teachers increasingly are using computers for teaching and learning -- not just for their students' education but for their own as well. This week, Education World talks to two teachers who have experience with online courses. Included: An extensive list of institutions offering online courses fo...