What is needed to address COVID-19 going forward Learning on this course On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments. Who is the course for? Those working in or around health, or anyone interested in how ...
2新型冠状病毒(Covid-19)在全球蔓延,国内外近200个国家和地区感染疫情,且部分国家和地区感染的人数还在持续增加,形势非常严峻。对于学生而言,最大的影响莫过于上课模式了。从2月17日开始,深圳市中小学 "空中课堂" 全面开启。你班举行了一次题为"Online Classes, advantages or disadvantages? " 的主题班会。请你...
I'm so glad to hear from you. In your letter, you want to know about our school's online classes during the COVID-19 epidemic. Here are some details as following.(时态)We have classes from Monday to Friday.We have five classes in the morning and self-study in the afternoon.We ...
In this short course, we will cover the top questions you have about COVID-19 and how to keep safe, and sane, throughout the pandemic. We'll be updating this course frequently as new information becomes available so you don't miss anything. ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced the notion of the "new normal" in daily life through profoundly influencing the way we used to live, study and work. During these unprecedented times, the rapid transition from traditional face-to-face learning to online learning has been viewed as a ...
Free online classes to beat your COVID-19 loneliness99.0K views 8 min read Amidst the global outbreak of Coronavirus, many are staying at home. This probably wouldn’t sound like a big problem to you a few months ago. But as it turns out, a forced lockdown is no fun. You can’t ...
Because of COVID-19, online classes have become the first choice Afor most students to continue with their studies. The same goes for learners at the guzheng class opened by the Chin a Cultural Center in Wellington,According to Ling Jia, there are students aged 4 to 60 practicing New Zeala...
Sort options Sort byStart Date AscStart Date DescUpdated Date AscUpdated Date DescTitle AscTitle Desc Course Title Contains Initiative/Provider University/Entity Categories Subjects/Skills Course Length Start Date COVID Vaccine Ambassador Training: How to Talk to Parents (Coursera) ...
Because of COVID-19(新冠病毒) many schools have used online classes this year. Students can take classes at home. All you need is a computer or a phone.But do students like online classes? I asked the students in Class 1.Most of them said it was hard to focus on studying while ...
online classes, she complains that when they try to "access the internet at the same time, we get disconnected often." But Nilufer also adds that despite the difficulties, she has benefited from continuing education during the COVID-19 pandemic. "Without these online courses, espec...