Courses Build a strong foundation for your career Check out our selection of business, finance, and data analytics courses Previous All Access Course Bundle Get unlimited access to all our courses for a discounted price. 15 hours Excel for Business & Finance ...
Level up your business career and gain real world skills with our online courses including Excel, PowerPoint, Financial Modelling and more! Visit us today.
Online courses We reserve the right to modify this Return Policy at our sole discretion, any such revision will be binding and effective immediately following the posting of the revised Return Policy on this website. Delivery charges are calculated on a per-product basis. Please make note of ...
In this course, we use scenarios/examples to examine the threat of a cyber-attack and good practices on mitigating the risk. This course is designed for accountancy, finance and business professionals working in all organisations from small business, large corporates or financial services or who ar...
Accountancy is the language of business. By taking a course with us, you'll learn how businesses become successful and gain key insight into global business issues and international finance. You'll gain insight into accounting, bookkeeping, business ethics, business accounting, budgeting and a huge...
BROWSE COURSES 365 Careers is one of the most popular instructors ON UDEMY We create business, finance, data science, and office productivity courses The company’s courses have been taken by more than 1,000,000 students in 210 countries. People working at world-class organizations like Apple,...
Essential Finance & Business Skills Clear, concise, practical video courses. You don’t have time for online degrees. Our library of 200+ practical business lessons will teach you exactly what you need to know to elevate your game at work right away. Start learning new skills in 10 minutes ...
Copenhagen Business School is a leading international business school offering degree programs in economics, management, finance, international business and other disciplines. Its faculty is world-renowned and its programs combine strong theoretical knowlege with practical training to give students the skills...
The courses are instructed by six senior faculty members of Wharton from accounting, statistics and finance disciplines, who are noted for their research work and have published several books on business and finance. This program is the best Coursera financial modeling course that you can pick if ...
year or Master’s students in monetary and financial economics, international macroeconomics and data mining. Professionals in Government institutions, Central Banks, business and the financial industry, along with other professionals interested in finance and macroeconomics, may also benefit from this [....