Repository files navigation README Online-Book-store the project is online book store using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP.About the project is online book store using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP. Resources Readme Activity Stars 0 stars Watchers 0 watching Forks 0 forks Report repository ...
OnlineBookStore A Java Web Developement Project Youtube VIDEO for step by step Local Setup Guide : Youtube VIDEO for local setup of tender management project: User Login Credentials: (shashi/shashi) Admin Login ...
While Bootstrap provides a robust framework, enhancing your website’s aesthetic requires custom styling. Create a separate CSS file and link it to your HTML, allowing you to overwrite Bootstrap’s default styles where necessary. Adjust typography, colors, margins, and icons to create a cohesive...
The Online Book Shopping Store to manage, buy, add, remove and sell books. Book name and Quantity selection, auto receipt generated and payment options. Login and logout security for both user and admin. Seperate Profile for all. - Azure-Samples/onlinebo