Many expressions —a dog's life(c. 1600),go to the dogs(1610s),dog-cheap(1520s), etc. — reflect the earlier hard use of the animals as hunting accessories, not pets. In ancient times, "the dog" was the worst throw in dice (attested in Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit, where the wor... presents free online books on various topics Animal Books Stories and Reference Books on Dogs, Cats, Horses, Pets, Birds, Fish, etc. Architecture and Construction Books If you're interested in Architecture, Buildings and Construction the books in this section are for you. ...
Each breed, even each dog--have their own nuances and distinct personalities that are not explored in mere fact books. Aside from offering facts about dogs including height and weight, country of origin, bred for, temperament, coat color, life expectancy, kennel club affiliation, rescue ... - Germany - (CA) - Map - (FL) - - Map - NYC, NY - (FL) - - Map
I’m sorry, but it’s just about impossible to really get much done with dogs without either scaring them or using food rewards. Sure, some dogs will work in exchange for petting, praise, and toys (I’ve got a ball fiend who would actually rather have a ball than chicken). But for...
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I offer it freely to give new readers a sample of my writing (perchance to tempt them to pick up one of the other books), and to say "thanks" to those who picked up another of my books and were curious enough about the author to find their way here. I hope you enjoy reading it...
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To say 2023 was one for the books would be like saying Uncle Jesse is mildly cute. Uncle Jesse. The year started with an epic heart break and multiple health scares (to the tune of $7,000 and counting, no less), a trip to the E.R. with my bestie, and sending out 304 job app...
Best Online Dog Training Classes for Old English Sheepdogs 1.Kingdom of Pets Kingdom of Petsoffers several books dedicated to dog training. Yet, many pet parents benefit more from seeing dog training in action rather than just reading about it. Thus, the company also has many online training...