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bankingdevelopment bankeconomic integrationThis paper seeks to further the debate surrounding Banco del Sur and the possible roles it can play for both South America in general and for specific member countries. Drawing on lessons from the region's recent history, a case is made for the need to...
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WesBanco, Inc.Commercial Banking (MIC: SIC: 6021 NAIC: 522110)doi:10.1002/div.7571EBSCO_bspMergent's Dividend Achievers
Tom DelbancoBioMed CentralBMC Medical Informatics and Decision MakingLeveille SG, Walker J, Ralston JD, et al. Evaluating the impact of patients' online access to doctors' visit notes: designing and executing the Open- Notes project. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2012;12:32....
Presents a critique of the book 'In the Middle Distance,' by Nicholas Delbanco. Presentation of two narratives that intersect in a confluence of time and space; Triple-layered examination of self and the ability to accurately declare the truths of the examination; Delbanco's attempt to turn ...