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Argentina is divided into six regions: Pampas, Mesopotamia, Chaco, northwest Argentina, Cuyo and Patagonia.Government ArgentinaArgentina is a presidential republic with a presidential system and a multiparty system.Health in ArgentinaFor Argentina no vaccinations are required. Please inquire for current ...
A study carried out in the Bolivian Chaco pointed out the traditional use of some species of Solanaceae family for the treatment of headaches, fever, acne, and diarrhea [42]; these pharmacological uses can be correlated with our findings. Besides, the Solanaceae family has been broadly studied ...
A study carried out in the Bolivian Chaco pointed out the traditional use of some species of Solanaceae family for the treatment of headaches, fever, acne, and diarrhea [42]; these pharmacological uses can be correlated with our findings. Besides, the Solanaceae family has been broadly studied ...
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