I am using the new outlook on my mac (OS Mojave 10.14.6) and my online archive isn't showing. When I switch back from New outlook to the old, my archive is there and works fine. Using Outlook for Mac version 16.54 The other Mac in our office using the same Mac OS, an...
this generates a timing issue in Outlook that causes mailbox information from the messaging profile to be stored incorrectly. Outlook uses this incorrect mailbox information, and this triggers errors and display issues in the primary and archive mailbox. ...
5.5.0550 5.5.0 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable收件者的<SMTP Address>網域為 @hotmail.com 或 @outlook.com ,而且 SMTP 位址查閱找不到該網域。類似於550 5.1.10。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱修正 Exchange Online中錯誤碼為 550 5.1.10 的電子郵件傳遞問題...
第一步;Outlook左上方的 File -> Info ->然後按Tools(顺带一提,右边的蓝色Bar是显示你现有邮箱用量。如果你是用Office 365的话,一般起 第二步;选择Set Archive File 第三步;选择Archive的邮箱
If Outlook 2013 is included with Office Standard 2013 license, the Online Archive feature is not supported in Outlook client as listed in the article below: Outlook license requirements for Exchange features Would you mind to provide some screenshots about Product Information and Archive mailbox ...
Outlook for Mac users are unable to access Online Archive mailbox. This issue still occurs even if the user has updated to Outlook build version 16.54. STATUS: FIXED This issue has been resolved with the release of Office for Mac version 16.57 (22011101)...
1.右键单击基于规则的邮件,在快捷菜单中单击“规则/创建规则”(对于Outlook 2010)或直接单击“创建规则”(在Outlook 2007/Outlook 2003中)。 2.Outlook将打开一个对话框,提供基于所单击邮件的预先选择,对话框中包含您可能想要筛选的主题、发件人和接收人。若同意这些设置,在“执行下列操作”组框中选择想要执行的操作...
虽然Outlook for Mac 2011 不支持存档功能,但 Outlook 2016 for Mac 支持存档功能。 使用 Outlook 2016 for Mac 时,可以访问存档并将邮件项目移动到存档中。 详细信息 可以为用户的主要基于云的邮箱创建存档邮箱。 用户可以使用存档邮箱(也称为个人存档)将邮件从主邮箱移动或复制到存档邮箱来存储历史邮件数据...
注意 虛刪除的使用者信箱—使用 powerShell 中使用 Microsoft 365 系統管理中心 或 Remove-Mailbox Cmdlet 刪除的信箱 Exchange Online,且該信箱仍在 Microsoft Entra ID 回收站中,可在 30 天內復原。保留限制展開資料表 功能Microsoft 365 商務基本版和標準版Microsoft 365 商務進階版Microsoft 365 企業版 F1/E3...
. They are not intended to replicate all of the functionality available in Outlook desktop... And an archive is designed to hold data that is not referenced very often (which is why it's called an archive). If you need mobile access to data, hold it in your primary mailbox an...