Traditional venues for playing poker, like casinos, might be a little bit intimidating for new players who would like to try out real money poker. Online poker rooms are much more appealing in this sense, as you can first give a go at play-money games and play stakes as low as 1¢/...
While more and more people are joining this particular practice of online computer games online on an almost regular basis, the podium for online multiplayer online games in is growing rapidly, and it is an alluring time around the world for despite particular differ...
Ensuring high product quality is of paramount importance in pharmaceutical drug manufacturing, as it is subject to rigorous regulatory practices. This study presents a research focused on the development of an on-line detection method and system for iden
Participants will be allocated at random (1:1) to the intervention or control (usual care) arm. The allocation sequence will be generated by computer (via Qualtrics/Platform O) using randomly permuted block sizes. As stratification prevents imbalance in treatment groups for important variables though...
Recently, brain-inspired computing models have shown great potential to outperform today’s deep learning solutions in terms of robustness and energy efficiency. Particularly, Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) and HyperDimensional Computing (HDC) have shown
A tool for the evaluation of human lower arm injury: approach, experimental validation and application to safe robotics. Robotica. 2016;34(11):2499–515. Article Google Scholar Behrens R, Pliske G, Piatek S, Walcher F, Elkmann N. A statistical ...
If the participant can execute the test by him- or herself, the nurse will merely supervise to ensure correct application. If more assistance is needed, the nurse will provide this. Standard audio instructions guide the nurse and participant through the test. The test will start with four ...
Freezing-of-gait (FOG) and impaired walking are common features of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Provision of external stimuli (cueing) can improve gait, however, many cueing methods are simplistic, increase task loading or have limited utility in a real-wo
an opera in which each act is written by a different composer, although some sources suggest that this is a misapplication of the term pasticcio which should mean, in this case, an opera made up of assembled pre-existing material from a single composer, for example a 'ballad opera' an ...
application thickness estimation due to the observed variance of the initial survey. The follow-up survey was conducted in the United States to test the hypothesis that improved instructions would provide a better-quality (i.e., less varied) dataset. In addition, the instructions for selecting ...