Intel 8085MicroprocessorIn this paper, a general introduction to microprocessor is given and the Intel 8085 microprocessor is briefly described for the purpose of familiarization. At the end, a typical system based on the above microprocessor alongwith some practical exercises is also described....
Typically, an emulator pod from the emulator replaces the microprocessor in the system and allows the user to take direct control of the ‘target’ system CPU, memory, I/O ports and its program execution. In order to provide an easy user interface, the emulator system typically works in ...
The hardware circuit is IC based and includes resistance detector, relay drivers, buffer, constant current source, diode tester, analog to digital converter and Intel 8085 based programmable microprocessor kit.doi:10.1080/02564602.1994.11437441Sohal, J S...
A microprocessor-based sequential docoder employing Fano''s algorithm for rate-half non-systematic convolutional code of constraint length three is discussed. The decoder is implemented on the VMC-85 microprocessor kit, which employs the Intel 8085A as its CPU. The encoder is realized through a ...