Remove any flowerspikes as soon as they appear. Stop watering once the leaves start yellowing – this means that the bulbs are starting to swell. Harvesting onions Spring-planted onions should be ready to harvest in late summer and early autumn. Autumn-planted onions will be ready to harvest ...
Green onions tend to be pretty resilient, but like any crop, they have their signs of stress to watch out for! Too Hot or Too Cold If the edges of your green onion leaves are starting to brown and get a little crunchy - this is your crop trying to tell you they’re too hot! Tr...
Of course, starting onions from seed is certainly doable and may even be necessary in colder regions (Zone 5 and colder). Onions grown from seed require the soil to be at least 50°F to germinate, so these should be started indoors about 6 weeks before transplanting to the garden. If yo...
There are three ways of starting onions: by seeds, by sets, and by multipliers or potato onions that develop among onion flower clusters. Here’s a primer on each of these ways to grow onions: Seeds: Raising onions from seeds is often difficult in the home garden, but seedlings raised by...
All types of onions can be used as scallions when they are young. Add them to fresh salads or in stir fries for a mild onion flavor. Onions are starting to mature when the foliage gets yellow and becomes droopy. If any of the onions send up flower stalks, pull them up. This is bol...
Onions should be sown about 1/4 inch deep in flats or trays. If you’re new to seed starting, check out this guest post, Starting Seedlings, by our friend Pam Dawling, author of Sustainable Market Farming. Guest Blog Post: Starting Seedlings ...
forest or woodland garden where there is some shading. I grow most of my perennial onions in my raised vegetable beds, but have also planted various types in herbs gardens and flower borders. Many, like chives and Egyptian walking onions are beautiful plants that add interest to ornamental ...
If it istoo hot, your onions will bolt to flower. Be careful to plant them at the right time for your growing zone. Competition from weedscan cause scallions to be small and weak or even die. Check your plants regularly and pull any weeds out from around them, especially ones in their...
To start, onions are very easy to grow and, properly prepared, bulbs will store reliably for up to six months. As with potatoes, there’s something deeply satisfying about the weighty harvest you can get from even a small area, and as the starting point to so many recipes there’s ...
The plant sends up stalks with flower heads on them. These are called umbrels. When they go brown, cut them off the plant and place them in a paper bag and allow them to dry completely for a few weeks. Once dry, give the bag a shake to separate the seeds from the other matter ...