onion yellow dwarf virusphr. 洋葱黄矮病毒 potato yellow dwarf virusphr. 一种妨碍土豆生长并且让其叶子枯黄的细菌 onion yellow dwarfphr. 洋葱黄矮病 yellow dwarf virus of rice水稻黄矮病 yellow dwarf黄矮星,黄萎病 virus yellow病毒黄化病 rice dwarf virus水稻普遍矮缩病毒 ...
Onion Yellow Dwarf Virus(OYDV)洋葱黄矮病毒RT-PCR试剂盒 运输:低温 保存:负20度 有效期:一年 货期:2-3周 产品及特点 1.即开即用,用户只需要提供DNA/RNA样品。 2.根据洋葱黄矮病毒保守序列设计的专一性引物,与相关病毒无交叉反应。 3.灵敏度可以达到一千拷贝/反应。
onion yellow-dwarf virus [网络] 洋葱黄矮病毒;洋葱黄色矮小病毒;洋葱黄矮病毒诊断试剂
Noun1.onion yellow-dwarf virus- the virus that produces stunting and yellowing of the leaves of onion plants plant virus- a plant pathogen that is a virus consisting of a single strand of RNA Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
英语解释 the yellow dwarf disease of onion plants 相似短语 onion yellow dwarf phr. 洋葱黄矮病 onion yellow dwarf virus phr. 洋葱黄矮病毒 yellow dwarf 黄矮星,黄萎病 yellow dwarf virus of rice 水稻黄矮病 yellow dwarf of potato phr. 马铃薯黄矮病 potato yellow dwarf phr. 马铃薯黄矮...
Detecting ofOnion yellow dwarf virusin the onion imported from India; 从印度进口的洋葱中检出洋葱黄矮病毒 更多例句>> 补充资料:大葱 形态特征:百合科葱属多年生草本植物。全株具强烈辛辣味。鳞茎卵状长圆柱形。肉质鳞叶白色。叶圆柱形,中空,长达50厘米,直径达10厘米,具白色霜粉,含粘液。夏季从叶丛间抽出花...
名称编号规格价格手册 Onion Yellow Dwarf Virus(OYDV)洋葱黄矮病毒可视化染料-荧光染料RT-LAMP试剂盒16-304050T4490元 英文名称:Onion Yellow Dwarf Virus (OYDV) Colorimetric and Fluorescent RT-LAMP Kit 运输:Cold 保存:-20℃ 有效期:1 Year 货期:1 Month ...
onion yellow dwarf virusonion cultivarsEIF genesSSR analysispost-harvest infectionsThe onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV) represents a limiting biotic stress in onion (Allium cepa L.);little information is available regarding resistant varieties. In Italy, onion production is limited but represented by ...
The virus has been identified as an isolate of Onion yellow dwarf virus from India.N.V. HOA, Y.S. AHLAWATR.P. PANTIndian PhytopathologyHoa, N. V., Ahlawat, Y. S., & Pant, R. P. (2003). Partial charac- terization of Onion yellow dwarf virus from onion in India. Indian ...
英文名称:Onion Yellow Dwarf Virus (OYDV) SYBR RT-PCR Kit 运输:Cold 保存:-20℃ 有效期:1 Year 货期:1 Month 其他: 产品介绍:收起 Order Online在线订购 订货信息 产品名称 * 申请类型 * 套数 * 推荐人 真实姓名 * 邮寄地址 * 所属单位 电子邮箱 * 联系电话 * 联系QQ 留言 本公司销售人员将...