Within one day following a single oral dose of dehydrated onions, dogs were found to have large numbers of Heinz bodies within erythrocytes. The percentage of erythrocytes that contained Heinz bodies increased slightly to a maximum on day 3 and then declined. The turbidity index increased more gra...
No evidence was obtained to indicate that irradiation changed the characteristics of onion so as to induce toxicity.doi:10.1016/S0015-6264(66)80692-2W.G. HilliardDivision of Pharmacology, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Ontario, CanadaW.T. Oliver...
Such clinical indices as acid-base disturbance and electrolytes were examined in aclinical case of hemolytic anemia presumed to be suffering from onion poisoning and an experimental case towhich onion was administered in high K and high glutathione (HK/HG) dogs. In the clinical case, on theday...
These and other discrepancies indicate that more detailed studies of additional species over longer periods of time are required to define the toxicity of irradiated onion.doi:10.1016/S0015-6264(66)80691-0W.T. OliverW.G. HilliardG.R. Van Petten...