A planting bed is a 3-foot-square bed that is big enough to grow enough sets for the following season. Time the sowing of sets if you like: the soil should be at least 45°F (7°C)—usually within a couple of weeks of the last frost in spring; if you sow seed for growing sets...
Yucheng Dingshengyuan Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.is a company specializing in the research and development and manufacture of agricultural machinery. The company has 55 employees and 30 sets of machining equipment. The main products are agricultural machinery (disc plow, disc harr...
Yucheng Dingshengyuan Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.is a company specializing in the research and development and manufacture of agricultural machinery. The company has 55 employees and 30 sets of machining equipment. The main products are agricultural machinery (disc plow, disc...
Spring onions will grow from sets but are so easy to grow from seed and cheaper this way, so that is the way I grow them. When you plant depends on whether you use seeds or sets. Seeds for spring onions are sown when the weather is moderate, after the danger of frost has passed. ...