Introduction – The purpose of this experiment is to answer questions associated with the onion root tip photos that are pictured in the lab. The questions for this lab will be drawn from the discussion and review section at the beginning of the mitosis lab. Once that section has been ...
2.2.7. Root and Shoot Length Root length was taken from the point below the hypocotyls to the end of the tip of the root. Shoot length was measured from the base of the cotyledons. A thread and scale were used to measure the root and shoot length. ...
ccess to shell and root using port 6200 unlike 21 employed in the first. DDuurriinngg tthhiiss aattttaacckk,, oouurr IIDDSS wwaass iinn ppoossiittiioonn aanndd wwaass mmoonniittoorriinngg aallll tthhee eevveennttss ttrraavveerrssiinngg tthhee nneettwwoorrkk.. FFiigguurree88ilillulu...