NOAA's Oceanic Nino Index(ONI)is used to record for historical purposes the occurrence and duration of El Nino episodes,based on the monitoring of sea surface temperatures(SSTs)in the central Pacific Ocean.The ONI is used to identify the onset of an above average SST threshold that persists ...
filename='oni.ascii.txt'; url=['',filename]; format shortG Index_table=readtable(url,'FileType','text'); % save it to the local disk. output_path='data/Climate Timeseries/'; writetable(Index_table,[output_path,filename,'.xlsx']); %...
NOAA's Oceanic Nio Index (ONI) is used to record for historical purposes the occurrence and duration of El Nio episodes, based on the monitoring of sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the central Pacific Ocean. The ONI is used to identify the onset of an above average SST threshold that ...